The story of ADEX

ADEX Platform AG is an international diamond and other types of gemstone consortium founded by business and diamond industry experts who are committed to create a social responsible, transparent and fair long-term change of the diamond and gemstone industry.

ADEX came into existence in 2019 when the founders joined to find a solution to their frustration concerning inefficiency in the diamond supply network and inflexibility in the current diamond supply pipeline. Additionally, the team recognized the significant challenges being faced by the diamond and gemstone industry including the rise of lab grown diamonds and consumer demand for transparent, responsible, and sustainable products to a larger customer segment.

Some of the world’s most iconic and exceptional diamonds has been found in African countries, but these same countries have not been experiencing the benefits that they should from their own natural resources. Additionally, ADEX found that there is a lot of value being lost in the current system in the diamond industry in Africa. Thus, the founders of ADEX developed a plan to make equal partnerships with the governments of African countries and to create ADEX daughter companies in each participating countries and providing these offices with advanced technology produced in Switzerland thereby ensuring fair and ethical returns and allowing for customized working methods for each country.

Let's get in touch

ADEX Platform AG
Marktstrasse 13
CH-8853 Lachen SZ
+41 55 442 2323