Corporate social responsibility

ADEX is committed to a very high degree of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

ADEX respects the human rights of those involved in the companies’ activities, consistent with the international obligations and commitments of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as the Host countries. When the local ADEX affiliates in the respective African countries are established ADEX aims to utilize best practices to help develop the local communities, by participating in various programs to further develop education, living conditions for the mining communities and their families as well as environmental programs that can secure the restoration of landscapes and environments where mining is performed.

Policy objectives:

The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy for ADEX has the objective to create and promote behavior that generates value to all interest groups (customers, employees, suppliers, environment, and shareholders) in the context of a socially responsible culture that is reflected in the development of a sustainable diamond and gemstone industry.

We support the Sustainable Development Goals, with a specific focus on SDG 1: No poverty, SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth, SDG 10: Reduced inequalities and SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals

Let's get in touch

ADEX Platform AG
Marktstrasse 13
CH-8853 Lachen SZ
+41 55 442 2323