ADEX's Mission and Vision

ADEX is a profit with purpose organization, aiming to bring a fair, transparent and social responsible disruption to the diamond and gemstone industry by the establishment of public-private partnerships and the implementation of new Swiss technology in African diamond and other types of gemstones producing countries to sell African rough as well as cut and polished diamonds and other gemstones in a new and transparent way.

The mission of ADEX is to create a truly new and unique business model that makes the best use of technology to remove barriers in the current trading of diamonds and other gemstones. The ADEX model will bring enhanced transparency, accountability, and fairness to the sale of diamonds and other gemstones thereby turning control of their sale over to African producing countries. This will bring transparency, accountability, and fairness to the sale of diamonds and other gemstones, and thereby the African countries of origin gain control of the sale of their products.

ADEX’s vision is that African diamonds and other gemstones will be sold directly from the mines through the ADEX Platform with full provenance information at a fair and competitive price allowing buyers to have full ‘mine to finger’ information, confidence in ethical production, and the ability to buy the exact product that they desire.

Let's get in touch

ADEX Platform AG
Marktstrasse 13
CH-8853 Lachen SZ
+41 55 442 2323